Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where was I?

Right. So much for actually posting something about the Olimex board.

After some fiddling around with it, I found out -with a bit of help from the internets- how to get LEDs to blink and how to work a shift register.
There were 2 problems, though: I couldn't get the inputs to work properly (there seemed to be some flicker which caused the thing to register a button-click multiple times, a lot of the time), and it works at 3.3V, which didn't make it very compatible with some other stuff (yeah, both are blue/white, which used to be the proverbial bomb when I ordered them a couple of years ago) I had lying around.

But it had captured my interest, and after finding out about a fun project called Arduino, specifically Ladyada's breadboard-pluggable clone, Boarduino, I decided to switch platforms.

Right now I've got 2 little projects, the first of which is a Moodlight-type device.

So, here I go again, maybe this time the blog will stay alive. The projects will, anyway, and I've actually gotten somewhere so far. And it helps having a friend who's also just started messing with uCs to compete discuss ideas and possibilities with every once in a while ;).

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